GEOBIMM project

Logo ERDF programme South Tyrol

A project to seamlessly integrate BIM and GIS

Contemporary asset management of public infrastructures requires a new kind of digital tools for public bodies. These tools must be able to close the gap in knowledge and adoption of digital methods and tools between public bodies and suppliers and to fully exploit the potential of automated systems when it comes to streamlining of administrative procedures.

The GEOBIMM project integrates BIM and GIS systems, with the objective of defining a new approach to managing documentation, buildings and infrastructure, both both existing and new. The resulting system allows to manage, analyze and display georeferenced data on different hierarchical scales, from territorial to punctual and vice versa, in order to obtain complete and efficient control along the life cycle of the work with a view to cost reduction and greater control of public spending.

The GEOBIMM project involves the development of two software applications:

  • BIM+GIS application for Facility Management. By this software BIM models, expressed as IFC files, can be queried in a structured way and can be used to populate the database with data related to the infrastructure (both point and linear), from the design phase to the maintenance phase.
  • BIM+GIS application for verification of approval processes. The prototype application will show the potential of integrating BIM and GIS in approval processes. Spatial and point data will be used for evaluating the requirements for granting building permits and to check the urban compliance of new works, allowing notable efficiency gains over the traditional process.

Ontopic supports the project with its experience in Data Integration, Knowledge Management and Natural Language Processing.

Project references

ProjectGEOBIMM, CUP: B54E20002020001, FESR 1151
FundingFondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale (FESR) della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano - Investimenti a favore della crescita e dell’occupazione 2014 – 2020 (ERDF)
Budget€ 431.221,98 (contribution from ERDF: € 282.762,10)
Project PartnersR3GIS (Lead Partner), Fraunhofer Italia, ASM Merano, Ontopic, Erdbau
Duration July 2020 - May 2022
Extension to September 2022
External linkLinkedIn showcase page

Logo of the partners in the GEOBIMM project